Sunday 16 December 2012

Festive front door arrangement

Since being shut down by Mia recently from buying greenery for our festive planter I have been on the lookout for free and sustainable materials for holiday decorations. We saved another $25 today by using branches trimmed from the bottom of our Christmas tree to make our front door arrangement.

I persuaded Mia to go for a walk in the nearby ravine and collect some dead materials to decorate the branches.  Armed with an umbrella, camera and clippers we headed into the ravine.

It didn't take us long to find some interesting dried plants. We picked up some dried up burdock.

 ...and some sumac seed heads. Sumac has a beautiful deep red colour and a velvety stem. The seed heads can also be steeped to make a high Vitamin C wilderness lemonade.

We collected some other dried plants and brought them home to add to the branches. Mia used jute and natural burlap ribbon to tie the arrangement together and hang it beside our front door.

All free, all natural, all sustainable front door decoration.  Savings- $25.  Fun putting it together- priceless!


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