Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Kitchen shelf installation

The kitchen reno is almost done but we were still struggling with what to do with the blank wall above the stove.

Convention would have us install a range hood over the stove but after considering two styles we took a long hard look at whether we really needed one. We realized that we never used our old range hood and that we could vent with our recently installed casement windows. It would also feel more natural, be environmentally friendly and save electricity.

The wall over the stove still needed something and Mia came up with the idea of installing a shelf. We found oak brackets at Lowe’s that would add to the country look of our kitchen and also picked up a nice piece of pine. Our contractor was long gone so it fell to me (the not so handy man) to install the shelf.

We measured and marked the drill holes on masking tape then wet the masking tape. The wet tape helps prevent the drill bit from sliding around on the tile.

I used a ceramic drill bit to get through the tile and not crack it. 

I inserted the plug into the hole then the screw into the plug. 

The bracket has a slot that slides over the screw head and then gravity and the weight of the shelf  holds it in place.  It took a little bit of trial and error to get the correct screw depth until the brackets fit snugly.

I put the shelf in place and secured it with a couple finishing nails and easy peasy, it’s done! Mia was very impressed by my skilled work.

This was the last piece of the puzzle and our kitchen renovation is officially finished. It's time to take some pictures for you to see the final look.




  2. A quote from that link: "The Berkeley researchers concluded that 62 percent of households using gas burners without venting in the winter are routinely exposed to excessive levels of nitrogen dioxide, 9 percent to carbon monoxide and 53 percent to formaldehyde, gases that can trigger respiratory problems and aggravate asthma and cardiovascular disease, especially in young children and older adults.

    "If these pollution levels were outdoors, the state would be required by law to submit a plan for how to clean up the air," Singer said. "But they are inside a home."

    Indoor pollution levels drop by half in the summer, when doors and windows are more likely to be open. The study, led by research scientist Jennifer Logue, is published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives."

  3. Here's an article on the same study directly from the Berkeley Lab: And here's a link directly to the published study: This isn't the only study, of course--just a good recent one. I don't sell range hoods, by the way. :-) I'm about to re-do my kitchen and recently researched them and was surprised at what I found. I am not in the habit of using my current range hood, either, but it is loud and ineffective. My new range hood will move more air (have a larger motor), but the motor (blower) will be located in the attic to reduce noise. There are even external blowers that locate the motor outside. You still have the sound of the AIR movement, but not the motor noises. Personally, after the research I've done, I would never cook without a range hood, but especially never on a gas stove.
