Sunday, 17 November 2013

Front Porch Makeover

I have been planning to do a front porch makeover since the day we moved into our house. While it was always on my mind there was no real urgency to do it, so it kept being put on hold ......till this fall. As the weather got cooler, I thought I didn't want to go through another winter with the brown, gloomy looking porch. 

Our first idea was to repaint the whole porch and the siding. We received a couple of quotes for the paint job but as the amounts were not in our budget we decided to do what we could ourselves. So we got to work.

Misha removed the screen door and repainted our existing wood door with three coats of 0 VOC white outdoor latex paint. 

We decided on white after a long debate between dark blue and white. White won out as we wanted to lighten up the space under the porch. While it is the more conservative colour choice, we feel it works with our house. 

Then came the railing, we painted it black. That was an easy decision and the job didn't take long. We also replaced the lock, installed a door knocker, a mail slot and a new lantern. 

What I enjoyed the most was creating the new house number. We picked up an unfinished wood plaque from Michaels and Misha painted it white with a black edge.

We screwed in the black metal house numbers we got from Home Depot. Installing the plaque on the house didn't take long.

At the end, we added some flower pots and fall decorations and voila.....our affordable, front porch makeover is done. Here is the before and after.



We will be repainting the porch and the siding at some point next year but at least we can feel better about our refreshed porch throughout the winter months.


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